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Marissa Nieves, Lifestyle Coach and Sports Model provides clear avenues to success in health and fitness ! Follow us on Blogger to kick start or maintain your best life !!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Juicing Our Way To Health and Vitality !

How do we gain more energy, feel revitalised, bounce out of bed each morning and display a genuine smile about life !?

Well scientists believe that along with good relationships and internal contentment, nutrition plays a large part in the way we feel. Ever heard of the saying 'you are what you eat'? There is some truth in it ! 

If we consume large quantities of animal products, refined sugars and processed foods we may feel tired, lethargic, down and negative. On the contrary, if we fill our bodies with all the vitamins and minerals it requires we will reap the benefits in the happiness department as well as give our bodies a kick it may have needed for years ! Added bonus !? :)

So we have looked at pre and post workout juicing and have talked about our juice cleansing programs coming soon, though how about just juicing for vitality !?? 

Can we simply add a daily juice into our intake to increase our nutrient consumption and help us to feel and look wonderful ?


Here's a simple green smoothie you can try at any time of the day:

1 avocado (can be blended in after juicing greens)

1 cup asparagus

1 handful of spinach

3 carrots

1 stick of celery

Small bunch of parsley

Handful of berries to taste

And a hot tip for winter - Warm your juice slightly on a low heat before drinking. Yum !

Enjoy living your best life !


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